Upping the Protein

Whether you’re working out and planning to build muscle or give definition to your body – or you just enjoy a good sport like football or cycling – adding protein to your diet is essential to ensure you have enough for the body to rebuild and maintain your muscle mass.

The body needs protein to build and repair tissues. Protein acts as a building block for bones and is responsible for the body structure of humans. It also helps in developing muscles, cartilage, skin and blood. Protein is a ‘macronutrient’ meaning the body needs large amounts of protein, as compared to micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

High protein content is one of the best reason to enjoy quinoa. It is a low-fat and cholesterol free source of vegetable protein making it perfect for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. According to the USDA nutrient database, 1 cup of quinoa (185 g) contains 8.14 grams of protein. The same amount of protein that you can get from an egg or about 30 grams of chicken or fish. A cup of cooked quinoa has 220 calories. The recommended daily protein intake is roughly 56 grams for most men and 46 for most women.

Proteins consist of units called amino acids, often referred to as the building blocks of protein. Animal products contain complete proteins because they provide all essential amino acids. Plant products offer some but not all amino acids. A complete protein diet is one which constitutes of all the essential amino acids.

Our body requires amino acids for better muscle recovery, hence it is very important in gaining strength and getting the best results from a physical activity. Most grains are low in lysine, therefore they are considered incomplete proteins. But quinoa contains lysine, as well as eight of the other amino acids, making it a complete protein.

Add quinoa to your breakfast when you’re traditionally ‘carb-loading’ before a marathon workout or a match.
