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Diabetes has now become an epidemic. Before independence, Indians starved to poverty but in the current scenario, it’s the lack of exercise and the overabundance of food that is accelerating lifestyle disorders like diabetes. According to International Federation of Diabetes there are 64 million diabetics in India (year 2011).
A diabetic requires 30 percent protein and 40 percent carbohydrate in their diet for Sugars management. If a diabetic follows a moderately high diet in protein, they result in less carbohydrate intake and weight loss, an improvement in liver health with reduced AST, ALT, and GGT. The fat content of the liver and HBA1C levels also improve – it also enhances the liver fat percentage and HBA1C levels.
Quinoa can facilitate the management of sugars for the following reasons:
– Monica Magoo, Nutritionist & Diet Consultant